Sharing health care and safe water

Humanitarian support for refugees and underserved people.  We provide medical and WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) services internationally without charge and without bias.

a Ripple's Current Projects

Assisting Afghanistan

Afghanistan, the land locked country in-between Central and South Asia needs your help. After decades of war, terrorism, and poverty, the Taliban have taken control but Afghanistan still remains one of the world’s least developed countries. We will be in Afghanistan this June to assist local organizations with WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) and ultrasound training. Dr. Suzanne will be teaching and giving multiple Butterfly ultrasound machines to the local healthcare providers. Along with important sanitation and hygiene instruction, we will also be sharing 100 water filters to the parched people of Afghanistan. You’re welcome to join us in giving Afghanistan a helping hand. Thank you.

Safe water for Palestinians

In Gaza, safe drinking water has been a major issue for decades. With the current heartbreaking bloodshed, the water situation has gone from bad to horrific. According to the U.N., 97% of the water in Gaza doesn’t meet World Health Organization standards for human consumption.
We are currently in Gaza’s neighbor, Egypt, facilitating the transfer of water filters into Rafah city. If you would like to help the people of Gaza during this horrific time, please consider this campaign. The filters are greatly needed and 100% of any kind donation will be used to quench their dehydration.

Refugee kids in Uganda

This July, we will again be working in Western Uganda helping with refugees who are fleeing from neighboring countries. An estimated 2 million refugees have fled their home countries in South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, but especially the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We have great admiration for host countries such as Bangladesh, Lebanon, and Uganda, who have difficulties of their own, but still accept refugees from their troubled neighbors.
You’re welcome to join us in helping a refugee school with better hygiene and health.

Help Ukraine NOW!​

Help! Ukraine needs your help! During the past 6 weeks, have you been disgusted by the Russian invasion of peaceful Ukraine? Have you wanted to do something to directly help the hurting Ukrainians? This is your chance, because right now you can save a Ukrainian’s life. You don’t have to be a trauma surgeon or an emergency doctor. You can donate a simple life and limb saving device called a tourniquet. This devise is an incredibly helpful tool in life threatening bleeding situations, and there’s a lot of that happening in Ukraine right now. Yes, you can make a tourniquet out of a piece of fabric and a stick if you have to, but we would like to give them the best ones available and directly to the font lines.

Dignity for Venezuelan refugees

Here in Ecuador, there are more than 500,000 Venezuelan refugees. You can’t miss them, they’re on street corners, stairwells, and in parks humbly asking for a little help. Over the past few years we have been assisting these Venezuelan refugees in our home country of Ecuador in various ways and are continuing to do so, thanks to your support. You’re welcome in joining us help share Dignity Kits and water filters, assist with housing and jobs, and give free dental care to our Venezuelan neighbors living here in Ecuador. Thank you for your support.

With your help, countries we've been able to help

23 from 20203

Our Recent Blogs

On the front lines

Today, at least 440 fresh graves of mostly civilians were found in the city of Izium, a newly liberated city in eastern Ukraine. Two …

Slava for short

Hi friends, please say hello to our Ukrainian friend and Dr. Suzanne’s translator. Slava, can you introduce yourself to our friends? “Sure, my name …


Yá’át’ééh. Please meet Peshway and Emmy, our Navajo friends from Shiprock, Navajo Nation. Besides helping us deliver water filters to their community, …

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