Help Ukraine NOW!



Ukraine needs your help!

During the past 6 weeks, have you been disgusted by the Russian invasion of peaceful Ukraine? Have you wanted to do something to directly help the hurting Ukrainians? This is your chance, because right now you can save a Ukrainian’s life.

You don’t have to be a trauma surgeon or an emergency doctor. You can donate a simple life and limb saving device called a tourniquet. This devise is an incredibly helpful tool in life threatening bleeding situations, and there’s a lot of that happening in Ukraine right now. Yes, you can make a tourniquet out of a piece of fabric and a stick if you have to, but we would like to give them the best ones available and directly to the font lines.

Rule number one of humanitarian aid is to ask what they need, and they need tourniquets, right now.

A Ripple’s Nathan has been on the ground in Poland and Ukraine for the past few weeks facilitating logistics for teams of medical personnel. He is volunteering with and partnering with another small NGO, Global Response Management, who we have already worked with several times at the US/Mexico border and who we trust. We are small, they are small, and we get things done. While the big governmental and nongovernmental organizations get their plans together, GRM has been THE FIRST organization to send trauma surgical teams to the front lines. In addition, they are sending in teams to teach emergency trauma care to Ukrainian military who are fighting on the font lines.

And now, for our little part, we are asking for your help in providing tourniquets, which is what the teams deployed to the front lines are needing. We are planning to buy a specific tourniquet called CAT tourniquets (Combat Application Tourniquet), which all military and humanitarian experts know are the best. We can get them to the front lines. They are $30 each. Our goal for this campaign is $10,000 which will provide 333 CATs and potentially save 333 Ukrainian lives!

If you would like to directly help save a wounded Ukrainian’s life please click on the link below. As always, 100% of your donations will go directly to the people who need help, to the purchase of these life and limb saving devices.

We can do this! Let’s give Ukraine a fighting chance!

Thank you very much for your support.

Slava Ukraini!

(If we’re blessed in exceeding our goal, we may use those extra funds for IFAK’s kits. They’re important emergency kits that will be very useful on the front lines of Ukraine. This is another item that we hear first hand that they need. We thank you very much)


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