
“The only escape from the miseries of life are music and cats.” – Albert Einstein – physicist, refugee, humanitarian. “Good morning. My name is Elena, I am asking for aid for 3 people living in Kharkiv, Ukraine. I am writing…
The ocean is awesome, beautiful, and fun, but also commands respect. Many Venezuelan refugee children on the coast of Ecuador do not know how to enjoy the beach, the ocean, or even swim. This is why for the second year…
In Kyangwali refugee settlement in western Uganda, the day starts at 5:30 with the Muslim call to prayer. Soon afterwards and high up in the trees, the Black-Headed herons start their morning ritual of greeting the day. Not very long…
Here in Kyangwali refugee settlement in western Uganda, Dr. Suzanne has been busy teaching the Butterfly Ultrasound to local midwives. In this vast settlement with approximately 130,000 Congolese refugees and no hospitals, Suzanne has been going to rural and crowded…
From the center of war to the center of the world. On September 13th, three days after the city of Izyum was liberated, we helped deliver food, medicine, tourniquets, and water filters to this newly freed area of Ukraine. While…