Gracias a todos

Thanks for the warm welcome, Peru. Thanks to all that helped us help others...from family and friends contributing funds and sharing this story with others, to the hardworking Peruvian guides and contacts that we've gotten to know. Thanks to our teammate Paula. Thanks for contributing to our cars very heavy load of preventive healthcare, and she's now very thankful that all of that weight is gone and being used.
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Flooding in Peru

Hi Friends, Nathan Atteberry here, I hope all is well. Suzanne and I are doing well here in Ecuador. We're making plans to volunteer to help our neighbors to the south in Peru. They've had a horrible month with massive amounts of rain and flooding caused by El Nino.
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A letter to young Sofia

Hi Sofia, I hope all is well in Colorado. My name is Nathan and things here in Ecuador are good, and HOT! My wife Suzanne edited and added to this letter. Im not sure if you were assigned to do a report on the refugee crises or if you chose to do it your self, but either way, I think its worthy and admirable that you are. I imagine your life in Colorado being a good one, just like mine is here in Ecuador. A life full of peace and safety. We’re not worried about someone dropping a bomb or hurting or killing us tonight.
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