Earth Day

Guess what? Today is Earth Day! Yes, just like you, we thought it was celebrated everyday, but so be it. In these unique times, it’s difficult to find or hear anything positive. So we wanted to let you know of someone that’s doing great. Our Mother Earth.

Guess what?   

Today is Earth Day!  

Yes, just like you, we thought it was celebrated everyday, but so be it. 

In these unique times, it’s difficult to find or hear anything positive. 

So we wanted to let you know of someone that’s doing great. 

Our Mother Earth. 

With a few billion people in lock down, our planet is getting a chance to take a big needed breath of fresh air. 

For example, the Covid-19 virus has heavily impacted Europe, but because most of the continent is isolating, greenhouse gas emissions will be about 25% less in 2020.  Beautiful news. 

Around the world, thousands of businesses are having their employees work from home, and schools also. This cuts down on commuting in our carbon monoxide spuing cars and airplanes.  One report by the CDC even suggest that in one month of world wide lockdown, we’ll save over 100,000 lives that would’ve been lost to traffic accidents.

Could we really come out on the other side of this better than before?  

We think so.

Earth knows so. We asked her, and she was very clear. 

Even Ocean seems happier, as she just waves and waves.   

In this dark cloud that is the Coronavirus, it’s difficult to find a silver lining. 

But there is one, for all 7.5 billion of us.  

Our Earth.

Happy day Earth, we love you.

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