a Ripple general fund

Thank you for considering to contribute to a Ripple’s General Fund. These funds will not be designated to a specific project until needed. We will use these funds to be prepared for future projects. For example, we like to keep a stock of water filters at all times that can be used in an emergency to respond to a natural or manmade disaster. We also always have unforeseen expenses while on projects and find more ways we can help than we planned for, for example paying for a patient to see a needed specialist in a far away city, buying very needed medical supplies, etc.
We are a volunteer based organization. No one is paid for their work and in fact we pay a lot to do this work. Some of the funds in this account, if there is plenty, may be used to offset the administrative cost of organizing, running, and maintaining this NGO.
We will always be 100% transparent about how we spend our funding.
If you would like to contribute to this fund we would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your consideration.